Insertion of cue notes and impact on already written music - gelöst

Begonnen von Swetom2011, Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2022, 14:39

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I'm a little lost regarding cue-notes and the best solution for my case.

I've just completed a part of a symphonic work in Lilypond which consists of many files, e.g. files that include only the music for a particular instruments, general definition file, definition files, a headier file etc. etc. To set-up the score, there is a top level file that include everything needed per \include which works fine. For the parts instruments, the approach is similar, a main file and everything else included per \include.

I've now generated the score and the parts, the latter consist of 35 different instruments plus music and lyrics for two choirs and soloists.

Now to "make the life easier" for the musicians, I would like to enter cue notes in the parts where needed, but not in the score.

To keep the music files largely untouched, I think I will use tags to control whether it is a part or score but having used cue notes for the first time, I have a couple of more fundamental problems / questions.

In the Lilypond example below, I try to exemplify my fundamental problems.  As a basis for the first time use of cue notes, I used an example from the notation reference

Currently, without the cue notes, all parts and the score is correctly generated.

As you can see, I've, at least, two problems with the cue notes example

  • The pitch for the flute following the cue notes is two octaves too high. Of course, I could change
           r4 bes''2 c8--  des—to
           r4 bes''2 c8--  des--
           but that would then cause problems in the score as this would result in the Flute to be noted two ctaves too low in the score

           What's the best solution for this?

  • The rest (basically a R1*3)  for the flute 1 is not sufficiently low during the first bar and it is left aligned.  Should ideally be center aligned
           Also, for the following two bars, the rest is back to vertical middle position

           How can this be fixed?

           By an insertion of a \fixed c, I can get the first rest correct but still left aligned

Overall, I looking for a more general "simple" solution without too many "hacks"

Lilypond "code"

\version "2.22.2"

% This part is normaly a separate file just containing the music which
% is then used to create the Flute 1 part as well as the score.

FloeteOneOriginale = 
   \relative c'' {
   \key es \major
   \time 4/4
   \mark "Flute 1 without cue notes"
    c,4 ( bes' g8 as f d|
    bes'2~ bes8 es,4) r8|
    r4 bes''2 c8--  des--
    as'4 ces,( bes8.) r16 r4

% This part shows an attempt to include cue notes.  Ideally, this will then
% be the new Flute 1 music that can be used to create the Flute 1 part as well
% as the score.

FloeteOneWithCue = 

   \relative c'' {
   \key es \major
   \time 4/4
    \mark "Flute 1 with cue notes"
    c,4 ( bes' g8 as f d|
    bes'2~ bes8 es,4) r8|
    { \fixed c
      c1\rest R1*2 }
        \new CueVoice {
            c4 ^"Violine 1" d es f8( g)
            as4 bes c des8( es)
            f4 ges as4. bes16 ces
    r4 bes''2 c8--  des--
    as'4 ces,( bes8.) r16 r4
      \new Staff <<
      \new Staff <<