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Allgemeine Fragen und Probleme => Fragen und Probleme aller Art => Thema gestartet von: lauraturner6223 am Donnerstag, 25. August 2022, 05:10

Titel: Ich möchte die Linien quer ziehen
Beitrag von: lauraturner6223 am Donnerstag, 25. August 2022, 05:10
What Are The Best Handheld Vacuum Cleaners Right Now?

Compact and lightweight, a handheld vacuum is considered a helpful tool for your cleaning process, especially when you have pets. They are more practical for small jobs that a standard vacuum is too big for, such as collecting spills and messes in the kitchen cupboard, in the car, and around the stair corners.

After reading hundreds of vacuum cleaner reviews, we have rounded up a list of the best handheld vacuums on the market. Whatever vacuum function you are looking for, we are sure you will find one suitable from the list below.

See This Page: The Unexpected Choice: Top Rated Vacuum Cleaners Revealed (!


The Dyson V7 Trigger is one of the highest-rated vacuum cleaners in the handheld segment due to its lightweight design and quick cleaning capabilities. It is a cordless vacuum that comes with 30-minute battery life so you can do the cleaning uninterruptedly without any reach restriction. This fade-free lithium-ion battery allows the suction to start strong and stay strong to get the job finished. In other words, its suction power remains the same, even when it is near the end of its battery life. The machine comes with several basic attachments, including a crevice tool and a combination tool that makes access to all areas much easier. Other details that make this vacuum stand out ahead of the pack is its quiet mode and its hygienic dirt ejector that enables users to empty the dust out by pulling one tag when held over the bin–no need to touch the dirt. This vacuum is also a good option for allergy sufferers thanks to its powerful 15 cyclones that capture the finest of dust particles.



Black & Decker Flexi is the Best vacuum cleaner for home ( for reach. The vacuum comes with a 2-in-1 nozzle, an upholstery brush, and a crevice nozzle that allows you to clean anything including the sofa, curtains, and window frames. The nozzles' lengths are designed to clean higher surfaces such as cupboard tops, so you do not need to stand on a chair or climb up the stairs to reach these high places. It is a cordless vacuum, so you will not need to plug it in and drag it around, giving you complete freedom in cleaning. The machine has an easy-empty bowl that makes cleaning a hassle-free experience for users. Weighing about 1.5 kg, this vacuum is lighter than the Dyson V7 Trigger; however, its battery life only allows for 15 minutes of vacuuming.

3. AEG Rapid Clean AG71A


Lightweight, powerful, and flexible are what make the AEG Rapid Clean AG71A an ideal choice for vacuuming cars, stairs, and other places in your house. Although it is a corded vacuum, it comes with a 6-meter cord that allows users to clear the entire interior of your car without needing to change plug sockets halfway through. Equipped with a stretch hose and a crevice tool, the vacuum can get into hard-to-reach places such as hand brake, gear stick, and tricky corners of stairs. It also has a stubborn brush nozzle that works especially well on soft surfaces so you can use it to collect trodden-in food from carpets.

Find More Information: Best Vacuum Cleaners (

Handheld vacuums can go where bigger vacuums simply cannot, making it easier to collect dust between couch cushions and under car seats. Hopefully, after going through our top picks, you will find a good vacuum cleaner to vacuum your house and car.
Titel: Antw:Ich möchte die Linien quer ziehen
Beitrag von: Malte am Donnerstag, 25. August 2022, 08:47
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